(Earth is Becoming a Star) The Core Message - Divine Completion

Monday, December 26, 2011

Conference Call - Sun. Dec. 25, 2011 - Interview With a Walk-In aka Birthed Son Part 3

Scripture Lesson:  Revelations 2nd Chapter

I was very thankful that our core group of participants took the time to get on the conference call this evening.  I know many of us had to pull ourselves away from being with friends and families who celebrate Christmas.  The conversation was very lively and most on the line did contribute to the conversation.  Listen to the complete discussion here . . .

Computer Download
mouse Recording Download Link*: Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
Telephone Playback
phone Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code: 381757
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Friday, December 23, 2011

Conference Call - Thurs. Dec. 22, 2011 - True Meaning of Christmas and Personal Testimonies

Scripture Lesson:  Luke 2nd Chapter

The discussion opened up with a discussion about our personal experience and knowledge of the true meaning of Christmas.  We concluded the discussion sharing personal testimonies of what Yahweh through Yahshua the Messiah has demonstrated in our personal lives as to the power of his promises and and love and care for us as his children.  Please listen to the entire discussion here:

Computer Download
mouse Recording Download Link*: Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
Telephone Playback
phone Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code: 495624
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Distribute the Playback Dial-in Number for Playback Access Code to anyone you would like to hear the recording. Be sure to use this telephone number and access code, and not the previous Dial-in Number and access codes associated with the conference call itself.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Conference Call - Sun. Dec. 18, 2011 - Interview With a Walk-In (aka "Birthed Son") Part 1 of 2

Scripture Lesson:  Deutronomy 18th Chapter

This was a recitation of an "Interview With a Walk-In" which was conducted Friday, June 30, 1995 with an individual who considers herself to be a "Walk-In" which is the same definition as a "Birthed Son" as it is currently explained in I.D.M.R.  Please visit the website and read the complete interview here  http://www.salemctr.com/newage/center14.html.  This is an in-depth interview that answers such questions as:  1)  Where a birthed son comes from; 2) where the soul of the body goes when they vacate their body 3) how a birth son adjusts to a physical body once they take it over; 4) how others adjust to the birthed son that knew the previous occupant (soul) of the body; and 5) where other newly birthed sons can get help to aide them in making the adjustment to incarnating into the earthplane - which can be a difficult experience and often leaves them very angry.  Please listen to the complete discussion here . . .

Computer Download
mouse Recording Download Link*: Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
Telephone Playback
phone Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code: 175957
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Distribute the Playback Dial-in Number for Playback Access Code to anyone you would like to hear the recording. Be sure to use this telephone number and access code, and not the previous Dial-in Number and access codes associated with the conference call itself.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Conference Call - Thurs Dec. 15, 2011 - Salvation and Power is in the Name of Yahshua

Scripture Lesson:  Acts 4th Chapter

This discussion was on the power and salvation in the name of Yahshua the Messiah and that no other name under heaven has the same power nor salvation that includes:  Jesus Christ, Henry Clifford Kinley, Robert Harris, Cathy Edwards; or any other creature.  Also discussed was the title given to Yahshua's name of "Emmanuel" and whether he was known by his name, Yahshua, or called "Emmanuel" when he walked the earthplane.  This was a very intense discussion with a lot of participation.  Listen to the entire discussion here . . .

Computer Download
mouse Recording Download Link*: Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
Telephone Playback
phone Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code: 620167
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Monday, December 12, 2011

Conference Call - Sun. Dec. 11, 2011 - Minister's Meeting Summary 6/84-4/86

Scripture Lesson: James 2nd Chapter

This was a recitation of Minister's Meeting Summary, 6/84-4/86; after the recitation a discussion was held regarding the conduct of the ministry as it relates to the current IDMR "progressive revelation doctrine" as it opposes what Yahshua the Messiah, the Apostles and Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley taught.  If you're behavior and deportment are automatically corrected by another entity called a "birthed son" taking over your physical body and then your physical body is instanteously circumspect by the taking over of this new entity then the Apostle Paul never had to write one word of admonition to the assemblies.  He simply had to say, "When you get a birthed son or as it is currently taught in IDMR, Dr. Kinley in you, you'll do right!" That would have been all too easy but that is certainly not the record that was left us by Yahshua the Messiah, the Apostles and Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley.  Listen to discussion here . . .

Computer Download
mouse Recording Download Link*: Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
Telephone Playback
phone Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code: 573431
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Distribute the Playback Dial-in Number for Playback Access Code to anyone you would like to hear the recording. Be sure to use this telephone number and access code, and not the previous Dial-in Number and access codes associated with the conference call itself.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Conference Call - Thur. Dec. 8, 2011 - lecture by Dr. Henry C. Kinley entitled, "The Holy Spirit Guiding Your Conscience and Making Intercession for You"

Scripture Lesson:  Psalms 16th Division

This was a recitation of the lecture by Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley entitled, "The Holy Spirit Guiding Your Conscience and Making Intercession for You" (which can be found on the website www.thepatternofeverything.org ).  A discussion with a lot of participation followed and you can listen to the entire discussion here . . .

Computer Download
mouse Recording Download Link*: Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
Telephone Playback
phone Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code: 926663
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Distribute the Playback Dial-in Number for Playback Access Code to anyone you would like to hear the recording. Be sure to use this telephone number and access code, and not the previous Dial-in Number and access codes associated with the conference call itself.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Conference Call - Sun. Dec 4, 2011 - Spiritual DNA (Divine Nine Attributes)

Scripture Lesson:  Hebrews 10th Chapter

This discussion was about an article entitled, "Spiritual DNA" (which can be found at the website www.ministrytodaymag.com).  This was a companion article to the lecture by Dr. Henry C. Kinley, "Power Within You" that was read and discussed on this past Thursday, December 1, 2011.  This was a discussion in relationship to acquiring a full embodiment of attributal make-up of the spiritual DNA (Divine Nine Attributes).   You can also visit Gregg Braden's "God Code" (at the website http://www.secretofnine.com/godcode.html) for a more esoteric understanding of the spiritual encoding in the DNA.  Listen to the entire discussion here . . .

Recording Download Link*: Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
Telephone Playback
phone Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code: 401230
(Toll-free access is not available for Telephone Playback)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Conference Call - Thurs. Dec. 1, 2011 - Discussion on the "Power Within You" lecture by Henry C. Kinley

Scripture Lesson:  2 Corinthians 6th Chapter

This was a recitation and discussion on the lecture "Power Within You" given by Dr. Henry C. Kinley on January 4, 1959.  The lecture was read and then discussed between the moderator and the guest speaker, Curtis Engleman, of Binghamton, NY.  Curtis was introduced to the true gospel in 1972 where he was instructed under the Dean, Burbank Mitchell, he was given a firm foundation in the teaching stressing a knowledge of the Law, the Prophets and Fulfillment, the tabernacle pattern, the divine names, the covenants and Romans 1:19-20.   He attended the 1973 Denver Convention where he met Dr. Kinley.  He has a small class of 5 and utilizes 8 charts they follow a class format but are not affiliated with the formal IDMR structure.  The discussion was extremely edifying and the comments were very timely.  Listen to the entire discussion here . . .

Computer Download
mouse Recording Download Link*: Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
Telephone Playback
phone Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code: 208584
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Distribute the Playback Dial-in Number for Playback Access Code to anyone you would like to hear the recording. Be sure to use this telephone number and access code, and not the previous Dial-in Number and access codes associated with the conference call itself.