(Earth is Becoming a Star) The Core Message - Divine Completion

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Conference Call - May 22, 2011 - Birth Certificate Truth (Continued)

Scripture Lesson:   Psalms 8th Division
This was a continued discussion on Birth Certificate Truth and a special guest speaker, Eotey Tabal, who explained his personal experience with removing himself from the citizenry of the United States Corporation and becoming sovereign.  He explained that is a very difficult tasks and is often met with a lot of pitfalls and obstacles (Romans 1:19-20).  To reclaim your personal sovereigncy is a threat to the powers-that-be and anyone who has the courage to do so is immediately considered a threat to the power structure.  We had comments that showed the spiritual correlation between gaining one's physical sovereigncy and one's spiritual sovereigncy which is Yahshua the Messiah IN YOU (Colossians 1:26)!  Listen to the entire discussion here .

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Conference Call - May 15, 2011 - Birth Certificate Truth (Continued)

Scripture Lesson:  Ephesians 2nd Chapter

Those that attended the Birmingham, AL IDMR this morning gave their individual testimonies on this conference call regarding the lectures that were given at the class today.  Dr. Cathy Edwards aka SpeakTruth was called as a guest speaker in the Birmingham, AL class followed by the Dean of the Branch.   This was also a continuation of last week's discussion regarding Birth Certificate Truth (please review the article posted previously on this blog).  We had planned to have a special guest talk to us regarding his personal experience with obtaining his individual sovereigncy and removing himself as a U.S. Citizen.  He will be on the call next Sunday, May 22, 2011, to discuss this.  Please listen to the full discussion here:

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Conference Call - May 8, 2011 - Physical Birth and Spiritual Birth

Scripture Lesson:  Psalms 23rd Division

This was a lengthy discussion regarding why Birth Certificates were initiated by the U.S. Government and how the government's ownership of the citizens' physical lives so they can borrow monies from other nations to secure the national debt.  The citizenry is the "stock" traded on the "stock market" and an article was read to start to the discussion called "Birth Certificate Truth" (reproduced on this blog in its entirety).  The call was concluded by reading a piece written by The Ark entitled, "Our Citizenship is in Heaven" (also reproduced on this blog in its entirety).  Listen here to the entire dicussion:

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 Recording Download Link*: Conference Recording
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The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.

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 Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
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Birth Certificate Truth

Birth Certificate Truth

Our Citizenship is in Heaven by The Ark

Our Citizenship is in Heaven

My first reaction of seeing and  hearing of people celebrating the death of Bin Laden in New York  was look how caught up the carnal mind is in this world. It was though they were little kids thinking they killed the bad guy.  It just shows you how we are not of that world any more.  

Even Pharaoh  when he was drowned in the Red Sea was a type and shadow of the death of the carnal mind and it's host of dead thoughts.  Yes the Israelites sang the song of victory when they saw Pharaoh and his host die in Egypt and they were reflecting this in New York celebrating the death of Bin Laden. Where is New York according to the pattern?  The Court Round About which is where Egypt is in the migratory pattern. It's only a reflection for us to see. 

Bin Laden was killed on the 3rd floor and the raid took 40 minutes and they say that he was shot in the left eye. Our physical mind was on the third floor ( MHP ) and has to be killed off or cast out of heaven and the seeing under the law ( left side of the cross) has to be removed.  And yes Bin Laden body was cast into the sea just like Pharaoh. 

So the outside visible correlations are only types and shadows because everything in the physical is just temporary. We are in the world but not of it anymore because of the  spiritual understanding of Yahweh has taken us higher into another real ( MHP and HP to be exact).  He has become the real within us and everything out there ( CRA) has now become the shadow. 

It's because we have become translated into the Kingdom right here and right now  (as the Kingdom does not come with observation) that we are not caught up in the kingdoms of this earth. It's a spiritual Kingdom in the phenomenal cloud where the real new heaven and new earth state really is.

When Moses was seeing that burning bush with an angel talking to him, that was a divine vision. If you were standing right next to him you would not of seen anything. So what is real then, the physical creation or what Yahweh is showing us in a divine vision?  Well we all know the answer to that because even our physical bodies are only temporary structures of the real one within us.

Our citizenship is in heaven.  That is where New Jerusalem is as well.  Salem means peace and there is no J in the Hebrew language so the J becomes a Y, so you go Yah-ruled- salem is the city of peace where Yahweh rules. And what is the Kingdom?  Peace, righteousness and joy in the Holy Spirit which makes it all spiritual peace,  spiritual righteousness and  spiritual joy.
Revelation 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my Elohim, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my Elohim, and the name of the city of my Elohim, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my Elohim: and I will write upon him my new name.
Revelation 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from Yahweh out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
That last verse is John looking back at Moses coming down out of the phenomenal cloud ( heaven)  with the veil over his face ( bride)  and new Jerusalem is what he saw in his third trip through Yahweh Elohim which is the archetype ( original) pattern of the universe. The 2nd tables of stone was a figure of this and they got place in the Most Holy Place of the tabernacle in the Ark of the covenant.
The knowledge  and understanding of the  archetype  pattern of the universe ( Yahweh Elohim) is new Jerusalem. That's the Holy City in reality where you are a citizen of now.
 That cloud that is painted on the Moses charts is now our cloud where we are experiencing everything through Yahweh Elohim. If you want to know what is going on inside your head through this divine vision then look inside the phenomenal cloud.   That is the world we are dwelling in  now and not the one at the base of Mt. Sinai ( Court Round About)  where the children of Israel where worshiping the golden cafe. 
There is so much more than meets the eye on these charts and what is happening in the world.  Remember  " You are the reality of all these symbols ".   
For our citizenship is in heaven; from whence also we are expecting our Saviour King, Yahshua the Messiah. Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like into His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself.  Philippians  3:  20-21
This is already taking place within ourselves because  he has already come as this divine vision and divine revelation is the Messiah Himself.  The Ark

Conference Call - May 5, 2011 - 2nd Aim Review and Purpose of Yahweh

Scripture Lesson:  Ephesians 1st Chapter

This was a continuation discussion of the I.D.M.R. 2nd Aim and Objective and a lengthy explanation of the false doctrines taught by the religious world including present day I.D.M.R. as it relates to the purpose of Yahweh by Darryl Kinley (grandson and eyewitness to Henry Clifford Kinley).  An article written by The Ark was also read entitled, "Veil Changes in the Divine Vision" (reproduced in its entirety on this blog) was also read and discussed.  Listen to the entire discussion here:

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 Playback Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code: 889164
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Conference Call - May 1, 2011 - 3rd Aim and Objective

Scripture Lesson: Romans 8th Chapter

This was an extensive discussion on the I.D.M.R. 3rd Aim and Objective:  To investigate the unexplained Spirit Law or so-called Law of Nature and the powers latent in man (Romans 8:1-4, John 1:9).
Listen to the entire discussion here:

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Conference Call - April 28, 2011 - 2nd Aim and Objective

Scripture Lesson:  John 15th Chapter

This was an extensive discussion on I.D.M.R. 2nd Aim and Objective:  To form a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood of Humanity in Yahshua the Messiah without distinction of Race, Nationality, Creed, Sex, Caste, or Color (Acts 17:26, Ephesians 5:25-33, Acts 10:34).
Listen here for the complete discussion:

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The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
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