(Earth is Becoming a Star) The Core Message - Divine Completion

Monday, April 11, 2011

Conference Call - April 10, 2011 - Evolution and Progressivism Spiritual Correlation

Scripture Lesson:  Isaiah 42nd Chapter

This conference call was a discussion on the treatise written by Bro. Allan Carter entitled, "OBSERVATIONS ON EVOLUTION AND ITS RELATION TO PROGRESSIVISM" (posted previously on this blog, please read it for clarity).  We only got 2/3 of the way through the treatise and just as we started to get some really good conversation regarding it, we had a disruption in the Conference Call line.  We all attempted to get back on the call and we were successful in doing so and the call continued uninterrupted.  We will complete reading the treatise with a follow-up discussion next Sunday.

 I contacted FreeConference.com and received a response from them regarding the disruption and they responded that it was nothing on their end that caused it that is why we were able to resume the call.  Well, Lucifer is the "Prince of the Power of the Air" so I suppose this disruption was because whereever the Children of Yahweh gather the adversary is amongst them!  You know he doesn't like to hear real truth being spoken!  You are free to listen to the call here . . .

Computer Download
mouseRecording Download Link*:Conference Recording
*This is an MP3 digital audio file, which can be played with any digital audio player supporting MP3 playback (e.g. Windows Media Player, iPod, MusicMatch, iTunes, QuickTime, etc.).
The recording download link is also online on the details page of this conference. To access the download there, log in at FreeConference.com, go to the "Manage" page, then click the "Details" link next to the conference listing.
Telephone Playback
phonePlayback Dial-in Number:1-218-936-4143 Midwest
Playback Access Code:189400
(Toll-free access is not available for Telephone Playback)

Distribute the Playback Dial-in Number for Playback Access Code to anyone you would like to hear the recording. Be sure to use this telephone number and access code, and not the previous Dial-in Number and access codes associated with the conference call itself.

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